Pretium News
Consultants and Roof/Attic Replacements
A Condominium Corporation went direct to a Roofing Contractor to replace a shingle roof and did not involve a Consultant to review the shingles or attic prior to or during replacement. Chronic roof leaks were reported at several owners' units following replacement. A Restoration Contractor went in to address the leakage by sealing all penetrations and replacing attic insulation. Pretium was then contacted to review the updated attics and newly installed shingles.
The following was observed:
1. The soffit baffle vents were not installed every other truss.
2. Attic penetrations at ceiling level were not sealed to control air leakage and moisture flow.
3. Fire separations between units were not sealed.
4. Bathroom vents were not correctly connected or sealed which resulted in direct flow of unwanted moisture into the attic space.
5. Single point static exhaust vents were not correctly aligned or installed over roof trusses thereby reducing required ventilation.
Pretium met with the parties to discuss the observations, and the shingles and attic installations were subsequently replaced. Retaining an experienced Consultant prior to undertaking a shingle replacement and/or attic repair project can save the Corporation a lot of money and headache in the long run!