Peter Vegh, Ph.D., P.Eng., LEED AP
Senior Project Principal, Vice President (Engineering)
Petr is always looking for and learning how to do things better, finding and applying the gained knowledge in real life and, in general, trying to practice better engineering.
Specialty Testing
Building and Structural Restoration
New Construction
Office Location
Ph.D (Theoretical Mechanics), Czech Technical University and University of Toronto, 1994
Master of Applied Science (Eng), Czech Technical University, 1982
LEED Accredited Professional
Professional Engineers Ontario (PEO)
Canadian Standards Association (CSA), Technical Committee Chair (Developed the new Standard CSA A500: Building Guards)
Canadian Standards Association (CSA), Voting Member for CSA Standard S478, Standard on Durability in Buildings
International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures (IASS), Working Group on Environmentally Compatible Structures and Structural Materials (Past Chair)
Journal of the IASS, Editorial Committee