Calin Cosma

Calin Cosma, B.A.Sc., C.Tech.

CAD Manager
Calin Cosma

To manage and support the drafting team with templates and automation that enables the timely production of clear and concise drawing sets for clients and contractors. To assist clients in visualizing their projects through 3D models and renderings. To utilize Calin’s extensive experience in building strong client relationships and fostering growth within the company and his peers.

Building and Structural Restoration
Office Location
Small Buildings 2003, Conestoga College, 2008
Excel - Business Applications, Conestoga College, 2007
Access - Advanced, Conestoga College, 2007
Construction Estimator Program, Conestoga College, 2004-2006
Bachelor of Science Degree in Civil/Environmental Engineering, University Politehnica of Timisoara, Faculty of Hydrotechnics
Ontario Association of Civil Engineering Technologists and Technicians (OACETT), 2023