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Pretium applies physical testing, data logging, and computer models to support assessments and design services.  These protocols allow our clients to have confidence that the design or construction they wish to prove meets all applicable requirements.  Similarly, existing construction can be assessed using physical tests and instrumentation to demonstrate deficient performance or non-compliance with design requirements.  Here are a few examples:


Air Leakage Testing


Water Penetration


Enclosure Integrity Testing


Infrared Thermography

Infrared thermography can be used as a diagnostic tool to identify anomalies in building envelope and roofing assemblies.  These can identify:

The successful use of thermography for building applications depends not only on a thorough knowledge of building construction and the principles of heat, air, and moisture transmission, but also on an understanding of infrared radiation and the factors that can affect its detection and measurement. - Canadian Building Digest 229.

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